Slides and Audio Cassettes


Patient Education & Follow-through | Building Your Practice Master Page

40 Color Slides, Written Script & Audio Cassette
40 Color Slides on CD with several resolutions for each slide, Written Script & Audio Cassette
All the above: Slides, Slides on CD, Written Script & Audio Cassette

An Introduction to Acupuncture for Laymen by Donald R. Beans, C.A.

This presentation is designed to be used by acupuncturists to educate their patients about acupuncture and to increase their practices. Slides can be used with the tape as a complete 30 minute lecture or as a basis for your own informal discussion. You can add or remove slides to adjust viewing time.

Give lay lectures in your office, in schools, health care fairs, or other public presentations. It is also perfect for use with a small slide projector screen/tape set up for individual orientation. Increase your practice and put new patients at ease with this clear and concise audio-visual tool.

The slides are also available on a CD disc with several resolutions of each slide. You can take each slide and install it into power point or other presentation software. The audio portion is not on the CD.

  Contents of the Slides

Slide 1: Produced by Donald Bean, rights reserved.

2: is a view of the body as mechanistic & as an energy form.

Slide 3: The Yin Yang concept.

Slide 4: shows the five elements and the energy pathways.

Slide 5: shows taking the pulse.

Slides 6-10: illustrated meridian and acupuncture points, blood and nerve supply and various charts.

Slide 11: is a chart showing the acupuncture points on the muscular level.

Slides 12-13: The Ear - a chart showing the Chinese representation of the location of the anatomical structures of the body on the surface of the ear. The ear as a diagnostic tool for determining energy imbalances in the body.

Slide 14: shows many of the possible tools used by an acupuncturist.

Slide 15: shows the acupuncture needles in place.

Slide 16 shows a sympomatic treatment for tennis elbow.

Slide 17: shows a moxa treatment.

Slides 16-22: show treatments for various ailments.

Slide 23: A rural community in China–a woman being treated for arthritis of the elbow.

Slides 24-31: show a series of surgeries and delivery of a child performed with acupuncture anesthesia as the method for pain control.

Slide 23: A rural community in China–a woman being treated for arthritis of the elbow.

Slides 24-31: show a series of surgeries and delivery of a child performed with acupuncture anesthesia as the method for pain control.

Slide 32: shows an acupuncture anesthesia device which provides a slight electrical current to the acupuncture needle producing analgesic effect.

Slide 33: shows treatment for smoking withdrawal symptoms.

Slides 34-37: show an herb garden in China and herbal medicine. Slides

38-39: Kirlian photography.

Slide 40: tells about acupuncture as a 5000 year old medicine.

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